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I am my own most complicated, electrifying + exhausting companion. I jump and swirl and remember, but not know. And I not-know enough to make something known that wasn’t before. And so it goes, on and on - each time, entwined in an infinite cycle of questioning, failing and somehow, moving my way through. I dance to learn more about what is circulating inside of me - what drops me to my knees and what makes me feel my aliveness. unwilling + whole-hearted. I am a woman of contradiction, of fiction, consumed by my effort, attempting to unpack my responsibilities as I move through a harshly unfair world.  I believe in dance as a means of deeply connecting me to my own rich, historical and resilient body, and to yours, too.. 


I dance to learn that my body is mine. gathering. onward. 


The magic of my pumping heart in proximity to yours, engaging in a dance neither of us know, but try to anyway. I make dance to remember there is not one way - that, instead, there are ways and ways and ways and … I am here to both take and leave many of them. I make dance to create things that I don’t understand - because the world needs space for the things it doesn’t understand.  The edge of not knowing is deep and never-ending when I engage with dance, which leaves me floating and curious in a sea of possibility.


Words won’t break what needs to rupture and this is why I keep dancing. 

Dance consumes me, I consume it and here we are, together - living, thriving, weeping and glimmering.​

© 2022 Catie Leasca

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catieleasca [at] gmail [dot] com


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